How to Build Your AquaFarm System
There are many different designs one can use to build their own AquaFarm System. Most of the parts can be purchased from your local hardware, garden center, lumber yard, feedstore, pool supply, or retail store. We recommend several companies to purchase products from. You will be able to find those companies with links on our partners page. Some of the parts will be available to purchase from us in the future.
The science of building an AquaFarm System is quite complicated. At Old World AquaFarm we have done the science for you. There is still information you will need to build your own AquaFarm System. For instance;
- Bog filter size (in cubic feet) is 10% of the aquatic animal tanks surface area in square feet.
- Always have a new or re-built spare back-up pump available.
- The larger the plant bed the better your plants and Aquatic Animals will grow.
- All of the Aquatic Animal water must go thru the AquaFarm bog Biofilter every 24 hours.
How to Build a Bog Filter
- The bog filter must gravity drain into the main tank. The drain is larger than the intake (example: If your pump discharge is 1 ½ inches then your drain should be 3”) The further the water falls to the tank surface increases the oxygen content. A splash guard will also increase the oxygen in the tank.
- The size of the bog filter (in cubic feet) is 10% of your animal tanks surface area. (Example: Old World AquaFarm’s is 40 x 12 feet = 480 square feet, 10% of 480 square feet is 48. The bog filter for this size tank is 57 cubic feet.
- The smaller the bog filter the faster the turnover should be.
- Plants can be grown in the filter. (we grow Bananas)
- We grow one pound of fish for every five gallons of water with these measurements. The water is pumped into the bottom of the filter and discharged out the top of the filter. There must be an air space between the bottom of the filter and the first layer of pea gravel. This space is a minimum of 6 inches. We installed a plastic pallet for our air space. We covered the pallet with metal lathe or hardware cloth. A cleaning drain at least 3 inches in diameter from the bottom of the filter with a screw on cap. (We installed one in ours but never have had to use it.) We also installed 4 corner inlets to wash out the filter if need be.
- It took 3 ½ yards of pea gravel to fill the filter.
- All biological filters must cycle in. This could take up to 2 months before your parameters stabilize. (example: Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates, pH, Dissolved Oxygen,etc.)
- After cycling in, there is no need to measure the parameters. You will be able to taste any differences. That is how I do it. You can measure if you want to.